
I have been studying singing since I was 11. I graduated from a music school in 3 years, then a music college in 4 years, and then a conservatory in 5 years. During this entire period, all the teachers did not teach me a tenth of the knowledge that Ronnie gave me in just two and a half months! I studied intensively and I really WANTED to comprehend everything that this great teacher told me! In just a few lessons, I realized that before meeting Ronnie, I actually knew nothing about singing or how to use my voice correctly. I didn't know how to breathe properly nor how to be present in my body, which is the only state, I now know, where we can actually understand something.

The Sol Studium school is based not only on the transfer of knowledge, it also invites us to face ourselves. In this world where so many people suffer from traumas of all kinds, it encourages us to look within and to begin healing. Through discovering our own true voice, we learn who we are and we learn to love ourself. Therefore, I can say with confidence that you will not only learn to sing, you will heal yourself spiritually, you will get rid of depression, you will start believing in yourself and you will no longer be afraid to sing and to live completely!

I am infinitely indebted and thank the Universe for having the opportunity to meet and learn from this great Master.

Ekatherina Shakhmatova, singer

I have studied singing privately with Ronnie Karlsson and I feel that the lessons I’ve had with him have helped my singing immensely. Karlsson works with both the body and the mind of his student with the noble goal of making himself unnecessary; he wants the student to be in control of their voice and thus be able to express themselves freely. Karlsson has a wonderful ability to track down tensions in the students body and help them let go of them and replace them with a free flow of air and firm breath support. As a pedagogue Karlsson is responsible, warm and humane and takes his relationship with his students very seriously and professionally.

I warmly recommend Ronnie Karlsson as a singing teacher.

Kalle Virtanen, singer, Voice of Finland 2021 winner

Ronnien opetustyyli ja harjoitukset olivat täysin erilaisia, joihin olin aikaisemman opettajani kanssa tottunut. Lisäksi alkuun minua naivisti mietitytti, voisiko miesopettaja, vieläpä matala miesääni opettaa sopraanoa? Kaikki epäilykseni osoittautuivat vääriksi. [...]

Ronnien opetustyyli poikkeaa monista muista laulunopettajista. Hän näkee ihmisen kokonaisuutena ja ymmärtää asioiden välisen merkityksen. Helpoimmalla laulunopettaja pääsisi keskittymällä puhtaasti vain tekniikkaan, mutta Ronnie ei päästä helpolla itseään opettajana, eikä varsinkaan oppilastaan. Isällisen lempeällä, mutta lujalla tavalla hän haastaa sinua kehittymään niin laulajana, kuin ihmisenä. Tämän kaltainen opetustyyli ei varmasti sovi kaikille. Oppilaan tulee olla avoin ja valmis kohtaamaan ne synkimmätkin varjot, jotka voivat olla esteenä hänen kehitykselleen. Ja ennen kaikkea, oppilaan tulee olla valmis muutokseen.

Salla Jokinen, singer

I first started working with Ronnie when he gave group lessons to one of my choirs last fall. I found the exercises he taught us to be very helpful and incorporated them into my regular practice routine. When spring term came, we were offered a chance to book private lessons with him, and I’m glad I seized the opportunity. I’ve been working with Ronnie throughout this summer and fall, both face to face and over distance, and there’s been a definite improvement to my voice and singing technique (and I’ve learned many useful exercises that I can use when practicing at home). I also have issues with stage fright and we’ve had many helpful conversations about how to work on them. I would definitely recommend Ronnie’s lessons to anyone hoping to improve as a singer.

Tuula Vilva, singer

Ronnie really knows how this works. Everything he makes the student sing or practice is fully meaningful and exact. The level of knowledge and deep understanding of singing as whole process is one of kind. I changed my way of singing dramatically with him, got the idea of beautiful sparkling high tones and freedom I had forgot since childhood. I think Ronnie is world class voice teacher. For a high soprano like me it is very easy to sing after him which is fantastic!

Tiia-Maria Saari, singer

I recommend singing lessons with Sol Studium for those who wants to learn more about their own voice and how to take care of it. I got lot of new information from the lessons and enjoyed working with Ronnie.

Niina Pesonen, singer

Ronnie Karlsson has a very charismatic and intriguing stage presence. Immediately as he enters the stage, the audience is drawn to his tall figure and exciting mysteriousness. Karlsson’s acting abilities are diverse, he is equally at home in dramatic and in comic roles. He is intelligent and has the ability to approach his characters with depth and from different angles.

Anselmi Hirvonen, director